Current position

  • 2021–Currently: Phd Student at Linnaeus University, Department of Economics and Statistics (Växjö, Sweden)
  • 2021–Currently: Affiliated doctoral student at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics, IFN (Stockholm, Sweden)


  • 2016–2018: M.Sc. in Economics, Uppsala University
  • 2013–2016: B.Sc. in Business & Economics, Uppsala University

Academic Positions

2021–2021: Research Assistant, Swedish Institute for Social Research, SOFI

Data cleaning and analysis in R for a select number of projects led by Ph.D. Adam Altmejd. The projects revolve around the choice of, and returns to, higher education.

2018–2021: Research Assistant, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, IFN

Helping researchers with data gathering, webscraping in Python, building and cleaning datasets in Stata, creating tables and figures, proof-reading text and theoretical models, writing and translating text, formatting manuscripts for journal submissions and more. Tasks include handling vast Swedish register-data, as well as writing user-written commands in Stata.

Some fun stats: Here's the breakdown of the percentage of time spent on projects by the primary coding language or software used in that project.

Pie chart of time spent on different coding languages or software
2017–2019: Teaching Assistant, Uppsala University

  • B/Microeconomics with Applications
  • A/Principles of Micro- and Macroeconomics

For further details, see Teaching section.

2017: Summer Research Assistant, Ratio Institute

There is a growing interest in understanding the causes and patterns of residential segregation in urban areas. I spent my summer researching on the theoretical explanations for the rise of segregation in the absence of discriminatory policy. The research resulted in a working paper titled "Segregation in Urban Areas", under the supervision of Ekon. Dr. Martin Korpi. The paper covers both a theoretical framework based on Thomas Schelling's models of segregation and the empirical challenges of applying those models using observational and experimental data. For further details, see Research section.

2016: Intern, Ratio Institute

Labor strikes and other labor union action play a vital role in labor market outcomes. Within Ratio's multilayered analyses on the consequences of a labor market conflict, I contributed with descriptive statistics for the empirical analysis. The final product, by Professor Nils Karlson and Ida Knudsen, is titled "Kostnader och konsevenser av en arbetsmarknadskonflikt— en fallstudie av byggstrejken våren 2016."


Working Papers

See research details here


  • 2025: Nordic Economics Workshop for Early-Career Researchers NEWER (Umeå, Sweden)
  • 2024: ASSA (San Antonio, Texas), EALE Conference (Bergen, Norway), SWEGPEC Workshop (Växjö, Sweden), 8th Swedish Conference in Economics (Lund, Sweden)
  • 2022: European Association of Labor Economics, EALE Conference (Padua, Italy), SWEGPEC Workshop (Linköping, Sweden)
  • 2021: Diversity in the Labor Market Workshop (Vadstena, Sweden), SWEGPEC Workshop (Jönköping, Sweden)
  • 2018: Nordic Initiative for Corporate Economics, NICE (Stockholm, Sweden)


  • Hedelius Scholarship for ~34,000 USD (from Jan Wallander och Tom Hedelius stiftelse)

Non-Academic Work Experience

As important as it is to showcase experience from academia, it is equally important to highlight real-world experience. My previous non-academic work experience includes: waiting tables at cafés, telemarketer, busboy at a restaurant, Youth Leader at St Mary and St Paul Coptic Orthodox Church, as well as the occasional English/Math tutoring at public libraries or privately.